Tears of the Sun

Tears of the Sun is a 2003 American action war drama film depicting a U.S. Navy SEAL team rescue mission amidst the civil war in Nigeria. LT A.K. Waters Bruce Willis commands the team sent to rescue U.S. citizen Dr. Lena Fiore Kendricks Monica Bellucci from the civil war en route to her jungle hospital. The film was directed by Antoine Fuqua.

Turmoil erupts in Nigeria following a military coup detat, which sees the brutal murder of the president and his family. As foreign nationals are evacuated from the country, Lieutenant A.K. Waters Bruce Willis and his U.S. Navy SEAL detachment Zee Eamonn Walker, Slo Nick Chinlund, Red Cole Hauser, Lake Johnny Messner, Silk Charles Ingram, Doc Paul Francis, and Flea Chad Smith, aboard the aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman, are dispatched by Captain Bill Rhodes Tom Skerritt to extract a critical persona, one Dr. Lena Fiore Kendricks Monica Bellucci, a U.S. citizen by marriage. Their secondary mission is to extract the mission priest Pierrino Mascarino and two nuns Fionnula Flanagan amp Cornelia Hayes OHerlihy, should they choose to come.The mission begins as planned. Waters tells Dr. Kendricks of the company of rebel soldiers closing on her hospital and the mission, and that the teams orders are to extract U.S. personnel however, Kendricks refuses to leave without the patients. Waters calls Captain Rhodes for options after their short and ambiguous conversation, he concedes to Dr. Kendricks that they will take those refugees able to walk. She begins assembling the ablebodied for thekilometres 7.5mi hike the priest and the nuns stay behind to take care of the some injured. Irritated and behind the schedule, the team and the refugees leave their hospital mission after daybreak. ........

Source: Wikipedia